Interactive Museum of Industry – Gabrovo was included in an international project named “Press Here”

Municipality of Gabrovo has been selected as a full partner in the international project “Press here: Archive for the European industry”, funded by the ERASMUS + Program. The implementation of the project activities started in May 2021 and will continue until April 2023.

“Press Here” aims to improve the key competences of teachers and students in terms of ICT technologies, as well as the acquisition of knowledge about Europe’s industrial and cultural heritage and working conditions, through innovative and creative practices, to generate socially inclusive actions based on of gender equality. “PressHere” emphasizes the need to guarantee quality jobs for young people and adequate working conditions. The project focuses on a comprehensive overview of the European labor market, in particular the industrial sector, through wider stakeholder participation and an intercultural approach, with a historical perspective on developing the competencies needed to prepare the younger generation before entering the labor market. It is essential to provide awareness of gender equality in the labor market and the conditions it offers, in which women are very often at increased risk. Europe’s industrial past is a good basis for unfolding the idea, as it shares identical values. Students are expected to create and handle digital content freely, reflecting their ability to take a critical look at the past and future of the European industrial society, the working conditions offered and the gender commitments and responsibilities. Teachers, in turn, need to create, use and subsequently widely share and disseminate the acquired knowledge regarding digital technologies in order to be able to meet the modern needs of the school system.

The total value of the project is 170,858.00 euros, with 100% funding. The budget of the Municipality of Gabrovo amounts to EUR 22,292.00.

Project partnership – “Press Here: a living archive for the European industry” covers organizations and schools from 5 foreign cities.

Full partners – Manuel Leo Foundation – Casa de Imagem – Portugal (lead partner), Launceston College, Cornwall – United Kingdom, Nezihe Deria Baltali School of Science and Art – Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey, DOCUMENTA CREACIONES MULTIMEDIA AVANZADAS SL – Spain, ANTÓNIO FERNANDES DE SÁ School – Portugal, Interactive Museum of Industry – Gabrovo Municipality.

Associated partners – University of Ghent – Belgium.

The total of 6 project partners from 5 different countries are involved: Portugal, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Spain, Turkey.

The goals of the project are to provide schools with a set of tools to meet the challenges facing the educational environment as a result of their transition to compulsory online / distance learning; developing abilities for critical view and adequate use of ICT technologies in the learning process; promoting equal opportunities through access to technology, with a special focus on students with disabilities; development of digital pedagogical skills among teachers, as an opportunity to provide high quality inclusive digital education.

The main activities are related to the development of a Manual and a set of tools, and the relevant ones will be available on the project website after their finalization. The project aims to disseminate the acquired knowledge and skills so that the achievements can be used by various interested organizations.

The target groups are expected to be students aged 5 to 18, school teachers, museums and cultural institutions, politicians, locals.

The expected results and positive effects are related to the creation and free use of digital content by students, reflecting their ability to look critically at the past and future of the European industrial society, the working conditions offered and the gender commitments and responsibilities. Teachers, in turn, need to create, use, and subsequently widely share and disseminate the acquired knowledge regarding digital technologies in order to be able to meet the modern needs of the school system.

The project team took part in the online events: a launch conference – on May 12 and a meeting of partners, which took place in two days – on 14 and 16 June 2021.

The meetings were related to the presentation of the partners involved in the project, acquaintance with the action plan and discussion on the main activities related to the development of an interactive application.

Talks were held on communication strategy, the role of social media and the organization of future events. A plan with a schedule for the implementation of the various activities for the entire project period was presented.